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  1. Olavinlinna Realm Competitions

    Greetings, Tribal Warriors! Welcome to Olavinlinna, a Victory Point world! We are running two exciting competitions on Olavinlinna: One on-going challenge and one race! Compete to win the prizes! Ongoing challenge: We will have monthly prizes throughout the duration of the world, of...
  2. Crown transfer

    I know Inno is a little greedy but there really needs to be a way to transfer crowns from one user account to another. This is a feature in TW1 so there is really no reason this is not a feature on TW2 aside from being greedy
  3. Non-Crown

    Before I start, I know this idea has already been suggested and shot down. I am adding my voice to the ones in favor, and pointing out the issues I saw in the now closed suggestion thread about it. There should be, occasionally, a non-crown world. I would also like to see a non-Tribe Skill...