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Mass-recruit feature


As players are growing larger and larger this aspect of the game seems to be the one that causes the greatest frustration and I think enabling it would keep people from growing weary and quitting in some cases. Anyways, the TW1 scripts for mass recruiting are immensely more useful than the Presets function of TW2. The current Presets here aren't even smartly-coded enough to recruit all units at a certain percentage--for instance, If I try to recruit 1000 LC and !000 MA, but only have resources for half of that, it will recruit 1000 LC and 0 MA instead of 500 each. Poor coding = poor gamelplay.


It would be nice but then I have played with 400 plus villages on an international server. Its not hard at all to keep things rolling. They cant make it so easy that a monkey can play. Make people work for their troops is how I see it.


I completely forgot that pre-sets could make units... :O


From your rally point, you can use your presets and cycle through villages to use all the resources available to fill your barracks queue for the correct amount of units equal to the preset amounts or as many as your resources will allow.

There needs to be a way to run through the overview and do barracks/H.O recruiting on a large-scale based on pre-sets, along with mass spy-recruiting. With 450+ villages, it's just a hassle many times to find what villages don't have spy's or troops recruiting when they could be.
In TW1 there were easier ways to mass recruit, it seems counterintuitive to think that TW2 is unable to do the same.


From your rally point, you can use your presets and cycle through villages to use all the resources available to fill your barracks queue for the correct amount of units equal to the preset amounts or as many as your resources will allow.

There needs to be a way to run through the overview and do barracks/H.O recruiting on a large-scale based on pre-sets, along with mass spy-recruiting. With 450+ villages, it's just a hassle many times to find what villages don't have spy's or troops recruiting when they could be.
In TW1 there were easier ways to mass recruit, it seems counterintuitive to think that TW2 is unable to do the same.

Yeah, but the way they've done it is silly... moving from left to right across troop types... not an efficient way to use resources for queues or to queue (doesn't queue both the barracks and HoO)... I guess it beats nothing, but it's not a feature I'm going to take advantage of at this time.

Agreed on mass recruiting... I'm only at like 110 villages but understand the pain. If you spend 1 minute per village queueing troops and checking spies it takes over 2 hours just to get through the account once without even farming.


Mass Recruit based on pre-sets is a necessary feature that they need to add. The biggest reason for big players to quit is lack of time, and no one has 5 hrs a day to spend on checking every aspect of every village. Making the game easier to manage on a small and large scale would in turn only allow more people to play/stay active/ pay occasionally (as I'm sure innogames would enjoy). It doesn't make sense why they haven't already implemented it.


Mass Recruit based on pre-sets is a necessary feature that they need to add. The biggest reason for big players to quit is lack of time, and no one has 5 hrs a day to spend on checking every aspect of every village. Making the game easier to manage on a small and large scale would in turn only allow more people to play/stay active/ pay occasionally (as I'm sure innogames would enjoy). It doesn't make sense why they haven't already implemented it.

My impression is the developers have never actually played the game and therefore are out of sync with the demands of the game or the needs of the players.


Actually, this game was created to keep scripts and bots out of the game and to create an equal playing field for all level of players. The Rally point is the best way to quickly recruit your chosen troops because the preset is set to a certain number of troops.


An equal playing field that allows people to use money to gain huge advantages?? Interesting idea... Honestly, the scripts on TW1 did very little to help people and bot usage was illegal and not wide spread in my experience over there, though it has been a few years.
What people are clamoring for is some of the premium features there that we all paid a few dollars a month for... village manager, mass recruit, farm assistant. Things of that nature that come in handy as accounts get extremely large.
When it takes 2 straight hours of play to get through the account a single time, you're going to start losing players.
As for the Rally Point... biggest problem with that is it doesn't balance the build to use resources efficiently... and it doesn't take advantage of the big O advantage of being able to build both berserkers out of the HoO and horses out of the barracks at the same time. While it's something, it's essentially worthless.


If you really look at what they offer, how much of advantage does it really give you but to grow bigger than everyone around you and suffer the penalty of losing tons of soldiers you paid for to the smaller player right next door.
Turtlopolis I have played this game since it started, yes on and off because of life, but I know players on A world that have dealt with the way things are for over a year and have not suffered for it.
Once you get into automatic functions, you change the dynamics of the game away from what it was initially intented to keep things even. Bigger players have to spend more time online to maintain what they have or start losing villages.
As for the HOO, it was pointed out to me, that by using it and the barracks to recruit at the same time. It cuts the building of a full nuke by 2 full weeks. A great player on A world taught me that. I hope he knows who that is.


15 1/2 days to build a full Nuke... the HoO doesn't quite cut it in half (1,100 provisions a day consumed by the Barracks versus 288 by the HoO) but it does provide a more balanced Nuke significantly faster for sure.
As for larger players needing to spend more time... isn't the morale penalty already enough? How much do we need to stack things against the larger players? It's ridiculous that someone can attack me and if I want to retaliate I need to do so at 34% morale.


That is where you need to move your pally to a level 5 statue so you can attack at a higher precent. It is part of the strategy. It is done to even the playing field for all players and not give an advantage to the bigger players.
Now about the rate of recruiting, it is better now then in the beginning without using the HOO it would take 4 weeks to recruit a full nuke. There was a change in the math that made it faster and now we have the tribe skills to also increase our recruiting times. Depends how your tribe is spending the points. I would like to hear from others on this subject and maybe they can shed some more light on the subject and we can brainstorm a solution that keep the playing field even.
A mass recruiting feature much like our mass coining feature is the topic. What do all of you have to say?


Yes and you are talking about attacking someone smaller then you correct? I was thinking you were attacking someone in another province, sorry it was a early morning.
It that case you want someone smaller then yourself on your own team to clear and keep clear your target as you take the village.

You lose less troops that way and don't have to worry about the 34%.


Now where's the fun in letting someone else have the O Bash? I'm sort of fond of leading the server in both O bash and D bash :p


Well then Turtlopolis you are fated to have to keep recruiting and waiting. Teamwork will help with that situation, but like most doing it the hard way is your chosen path :eek:


That is where you need to move your pally to a level 5 statue so you can attack at a higher precent. It is part of the strategy. It is done to even the playing field for all players and not give an advantage to the bigger players.
Now about the rate of recruiting, it is better now then in the beginning without using the HOO it would take 4 weeks to recruit a full nuke. There was a change in the math that made it faster and now we have the tribe skills to also increase our recruiting times. Depends how your tribe is spending the points. I would like to hear from others on this subject and maybe they can shed some more light on the subject and we can brainstorm a solution that keep the playing field even.
A mass recruiting feature much like our mass coining feature is the topic. What do all of you have to say?

The time it takes for troops to build is not the issue. The issue is how many hours need to be spent to queue up those troops. Spending several hours a day adding troops to build Queues leaves little time to enjoy the dynamics of the competition aspects of the game. A mass recruiting feature similar to the mass coining feature would take the grind out of the game and allow time to enjoy the game. This would not give large players an advantage. It would just allow them to enjoy time with their families and other aspects of real live and not feel a slave to the game.


To stick in the game framework, I propose the following fixes / enhancements to speed up recruiting
1) developers update the game, so that filters applied to the village list affect the next/previous buttons.
2) developers update game, so that when cycling through villages with the rally screen open, the rally points are properly updated to the currently selected village.

Now, to mass recruit
1) use rally to recruit, so that in 1 click you can queue recruiting in barrics and HoO
2) tag you villages that require recruit with the village groups
3) filter the villages in the village listing to the villages requiring recruiting
4) open the first village rally screen, click button to recruit troops
5) use next village button to cycle to next filtered village, and repeat.

Allow for 1 rally point to be selected as "default" for that village. On the map screen, when selecting a village, add the default rally point to the actionable buttons, for quick recruiting from map view.