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why is it so pay to win?


hello. i play on Igreja de Sao Roque (US9.) i don't mean to be rude and criticize your game but the pay to win aspect is horrible. as a new player my first impression of the game was that it was incredible. i played tribal wars 1 several years ago and loved it. i was a premium account player and did not mind that. my issue is that i joined "a coiner world" and i cannot afford to buy into that. the thing i was like "oh great" about was after about 2 days, i read the forums and saw the competitions for crowns and i was like how can i compete in here? i will not spend $100 a month to win. the competetions for crowns are a great idea but they are stacked. the first person to win the "Goal: Be the first, second, or third to upgrade your Headquarters to level 10." will be a favorite to win "Goal: Be the first, second, or third to own 5 villages." currently i am wrong but i think that since they are all inthe tribe "educated" no tigers backed off so his tribe mate sargatos could win the 2nd place crown and use the prize to benefit their tribe. Chalupa Batman won both with 1st place. sure these guys know what they are doing but they also have 1,000,000 crowns so if i wipe out their army, they just buy a new one with real money. if i knock down a wall, they can rebuild to from 1 to 20 in 20 minutes for $100 real money. i like the game but not enough to drop that kind of money on it. and thats how its going to be for this whole world. i have had this discussion with several players who are also new to the game and we have all decided not to join another world after this one, which is unfortuant because like i said i really enjoy the game.

my proposal to you to make a fair playing field that everyone would enjoy is this.

you could have it so that you can buy new skins for your buildings and armies. you could have an extra building slot available for 500 crowns. the little conveniences would be fair. but when someone can out right buy the deal of the day 3 times a day and get a free 500 troops is not fair. the same with spending the money on the resource deposit. i mean you could have an addition of a herd of deer that you can buy and they wander around the outside of your village. you could buy one that is a band of angry orcs attacking you. there are endless things that would not affect the fairness. then you could maybe visit other peoples villages and see a generic view that shows the things they bought but has every building appear the same so noone can look and say "oh ok that is a lever 20 wall, that is a level 16 barracks" make the buildings equal across the boards except if you buy the new skin for the building. being able to specialize the village that would be cool. and when you have 100 villages, some people would buy a deer herd or turkeys for each one. you would have to make it all individual. like buy the herd for each village, if it was just something you buy once you wouldnt make any money. i would make it cost like 25 for a herd of deer, maybe a pack of 10 for 200. there are so many things you could do like this. every animal known to man could be available for sale. you would probably have to make it so if you viewed the village it linked to a different server to ease up on the main server activity and possible lag. you could have the competetions be something like "best city that looks like a zoo", best village that looks like a hobit movie, ect.
i have played other games where these types of things were available and people went crazy buying the stuff. the bottom line is you make money and people who cannot pick your game over food for their children will still be able to play. i am sorry i cannot buy 500 crowns a month to keep up with the guys who can. i can afford to buy $20 a month. maybe more during christmas and around my birthday when i have more money.i have just talked to about 10 people all complaining that they are getting slaughtered by the guys from the tribe educated and we see it is a losing battle that unless we pay $500 we have no chance to win. and we will not be returning. so please think about this. i think it will be a better plan for you. i realize its all about money, but i think you could make more money selling things that did not make it such a harsh pay to win game. you would keep more casual players who have the money to spend but will not as the game currently exists. thanks for your time and agian, sorry to be a critic.


I played pay-to-win and "free" paytoevenplay games, this is not one of them.


It cost money to design and develop this game, and the forum that you are complaining on, and the different TW2 tools that are available for us to use. Anybody can play for free, but those that purchase crowns are supporting the game and deserve the advantage that they get for it.


This game certainly does hand advantages to people who pay. That no one can deny, but no matter how much people coin I am pretty sure they all have a spending limit. If you can get them to spend all their money on the game before the next paycheck than you can certainly beat them. Uncrowned players beat crown players all the time. It just takes time and skill to learn the strategy to take them down.


Two important things here.
1. I didn't see you mention anything about prizes for those who complete the event WITHOUT using crowns. They make it quite even for all players. Those who use crowns do the village rush while supporting the game. Those who don't do a steady buildup while competing for, as you guessed it, crowns they win for not paying.

2. As it was mentioned earlier those who are using crowns are helping to support the game in their own little way. It's hard to believe but crowns can only get you so far in this game, the only advantages are early on, for competitions sake in winning the early prizes, and very late game. To put it in other and easy to understand terms, early game the crowns offer so little in terms of bonus head starts that it really isn't a huge matter to deal with. All you actually need is a small concentrated effort early on, that's it.

Crowns only really show a benefit during the mid to late game phase when you have maxed out resources and fully built villages. When you attack a village, lose your army, but because you have say... 380k resources in the village you attacked with you put 3k axes on build and complete them for 300 coins or whatever. That is the time the coins start actually coming into play. Other than that..... Not really much to complain about. Re-rolls for the mini stacks of purchasable troops in the barracks costs coins, those purchases cost 50+ coins for very little amounts of troops. An amount that could be built in a couple hours.

All in all, I don't mind crown users. It's their money. Let them spend it how they want. You want to beat a crown user? Beat them early. Or find a crown user as a partner. Co-play even.

I switch between coin and crown. Basically the same thing. Don't mind the small detail.