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New Issue internal error


*Sobs in 10 years JavaScript experience, 6 years PHP experience, and 4 years C# experience.*
says your a moderator didn't realize you had anything to do with the programming , now your giving people someone to blame , sorry


Other online game Im currently playing has giving compensation for down time and they update on weekly basis. The game run very smoothly and no lag at all. Sometimes they have events and puzzles and stuff. It’s quite hot and popular atm


says your a moderator didn't realize you had anything to do with the programming , now your giving people someone to blame , sorry
Lol, I am just a moderator.
I just also happen to be a programmer in real life. I don't do any work for Inno though. They couldn't afford me. :p
Other online game Im currently playing has giving compensation for down time and they update on weekly basis. The game run very smoothly and no lag at all. Sometimes they have events and puzzles and stuff. It’s quite hot and popular atm
Well, most other game companies would not have the game be down this long. Yes we should be owed compensation but we won’t get it from Inno. To be honest, the timing of this was beneficial to me both in game and in real life. I’ve had time to decompress and find other things to occupy me.
The game being down so long is either intentional to clean up script and root out bad code or perhaps the developers have finally decided to throw the corpse of this game into the burial pit once and for all- they’ve said for years this game was going to be decommissioned, maybe it finally is. If the game magically arises from the dead on Easter Sunday- it better have some new features- like tech trees, trade resources, progressive rewards, and events other than Gwen and her stupid face.


Not sure why you even mentioned this scenario lol... which contradicts with your first scenario we are discussing.

Well in that situation you need to restart lol... If you're planning to keep all your village 1-2K because you're scared of being attack that just means... A) You don't trust your skill to survive, B) You need to join a tribe that is near you or a better tribe, C) You either spawn in an area where ppl around you is too large, so restart back to the rim, D) If C is not an option that just mean you're joining a world late if even the rim side is dangerous. But back to the original Scenario if your village closest barb are miles away and you don't have a village close to even 3-4K in fear of getting nobled lol, you either join that world really late or you spawn on a shitty area, or you screwed up so bad at the start.

Lol if you don't believe many stopped playing after script was allowed then you're delusional my man. Both games have their strategic strength, but I'd say TW1 is more balance for sure. I've seen many players coming from TW1 as vets to TW2 and are garbage many times. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprise if the other way around when TW2 players switch to TW1 (Especially not using scripts). But what is more strategic, a game where I can input when I want my attacks to land and when to recall my support from one village to support another one. And all I must do is type that in the script and go to bed and wake up to see the result. TW2 you do have to commit to some timing and even set up alarms, making sure you land those attack on the dot. Like you're barely even playing the game lol... It's like those RPG mobile games where all you do is watch your character auto fight all the monster and clears it for you, and the only interaction you make is probably to buy armor/weapon and put skill level to different areas and buy skins and pets lol, then send your character to fight a dungeon and go back to watching it do it for you. And you come out and be like dang I'm very good at this game lol...

But I do miss TW1 when script wasn't allowed, that takes me back to Jr. High. Shit was good, I'd play it all day stay up all night to catch people off guard, even practice timing them millisecond train and sniping in milliseconds as well. You no longer need to now when a script does it all.

I personally don't really care about coiners too much, I find it more amusing beating them and making them feed more money to the game but still are garbage. I'm thinking more to all the new players coming in or ones that haven't played the same amount as some players who can deal with them. Cause yes it does give a coiner a big advantage being able to instant recruit everything & buys a lot of Gwen nobles and pop them anywhere. They just need to remove those two and it should balance it out more, this will help make new players want to stick around because this game isn't P2W.This game will continue to die if they aren't getting new players playing and keep playing, especially if their already player base they have are leaving.

Lmao weren't you talking about game not being strategic... Lol well both games have different strategic value and why both are different. Having only one building to recruit units then that means you'll need to decide which units to build first or have a second village produce the other units you need (At this point who build the right amount and right type first has an advantage). That's why early game what DT would you build, will other people in your province for the early MA nuke or LC... So should I build Spears or Archers. While in TW1 you can have both, but then players will need to determine which is better to cat down... which create different strategic scenarios compare to TW2.

This makes me giggles, I also hope you know in TW1 multi-account is more apparent due to the script. Both server from TW1/2 have the same number of active players but I know TW1 is filled with multi-accounts.

I didnt say I didnt want a village at 3-4k in fear of being nobled. I said I dont want a village close to 3-4k BEFORE its ready to deal with noble attempts, so if youre a noob that builds fast but not building troops and you got a 4k village with 1k troops, you're dead. But if you built slowly and focused onn troops more than point sthen you got over 1000 troops before youre even at 900 points, naturally by the time you hit 4k youll have even more, and whoever attacks you is gonna be quite surprised

Also I disagree about coiners only being a problem early game, late game theyre not an issue. If theyre a problem early game, then lets say they build up their building and troops and nobles because theyre out of beginner protection, all he players around them being vets would matter if they constantly hit them so they wont grow, what are those vets gonna go if t hey cant even exceed 200 points cause theyre constantly being bombaredd by coiners?


It is ridiculous for a game to be down this long. They should at the very least offer an explanation, an apology, and some form of compensation.


It is ridiculous for a game to be down this long. They should at the very least offer an explanation, an apology, and some form of compensation.
As a long time player and moderator for the game, I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of InnoGames. The issue is taking much longer than expected to fix and while I haven't been kept in the loop regarding the specifics of this issue, I do know that they actually have someone working on the issue basically around the clock trying to get things back up and running.

While I don't know if there will be any sort of official explanation from Inno or any form of compensation (though I don't really see why that would be necessary as long as they get the gamestate correct when the server relaunches) I do know that myself and Ashie are absolutely committed to making things as right as they can possibly be once the server does relaunch.
It is ridiculous for a game to be down this long. They should at the very least offer an explanation, an apology, and some form of compensation.
I know, right? I was kidding when I said the only fix to all the TW2 problems they have on the US servers is to nuke every server. They don’t seem to have any clue what’s happening. It’s now starting to effect their other games too- FOE and Elvenar and Grepolis are intermittent at best today.

Maybe Inno is pulling the plug on the US entirely and they just haven’t told us yet. If their social media is correct, they went on a spending spree and bought up a few smaller games developers. Hope they are upgrading the offerings and not eliminating staff overseas to make up for financial losses
I know, right? I was kidding when I said the only fix to all the TW2 problems they have on the US servers is to nuke every server. They don’t seem to have any clue what’s happening. It’s now starting to effect their other games too- FOE and Elvenar and Grepolis are intermittent at best today.

Maybe Inno is pulling the plug on the US entirely and they just haven’t told us yet. If their social media is correct, they went on a spending spree and bought up a few smaller games developers. Hope they are upgrading the offerings and not eliminating staff overseas to make up for financial losses
personally would like at least one new feature in TW2- maybe they can get us that Fortress domination plan they once proposed? They can’t say it’s not possible- Game of Thrones Conquest uses essentially the skeleton outline that Inno once proposed years ago for their strongholds and Seats of Power concept in that game.


As a long time player and moderator for the game, I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of InnoGames. The issue is taking much longer than expected to fix and while I haven't been kept in the loop regarding the specifics of this issue, I do know that they actually have someone working on the issue basically around the clock trying to get things back up and running.

While I don't know if there will be any sort of official explanation from Inno or any form of compensation (though I don't really see why that would be necessary as long as they get the gamestate correct when the server relaunches) I do know that myself and Ashie are absolutely committed to making things as right as they can possibly be once the server does relaunch.

Why compensation would be necessary: Because InnoGames has let us all down. We have all been waiting a ridiculous amount of time. and it is a good business practice to compensate people when things like this happen. It would be the responsible thing for them to do. Because people might just think that Innogame doesn't care who they annoy with such failures, and they could decide to go elsewhere for their entertainment. They should do it because many of these people have invested time, money, and a lot of effort into this game. They should do it because it is the right thing to do. They should do it because without their customer base Innogame could not persist as a company.


Breaking news!
Inno DEV -s still working around the clock. But the guys who really know the stuff are back on Monday, sorry guys..
Well- we are back online it seems but unfortunately for those of us that reset on old worlds (and the new server, the ones we just started)- well we lost two days of build time AND our attack protection is still slated to run out based on the old game clock- so I can imagine those players who saw incoming before the Easter Apocalypse occurred could not respond and may have lost everything in the attacks and may have been nobled out as well- incidents they may have been able to prevent or at least mitigate if Inno had had their crap together.
This is me looking at Inno Games after all the crap I’ve put up with in this game in the past week, you reward me by cancelling two days worth of build time and attack protection. Lol

This combined with the UCLA game and the pizza delivery guy deciding not to deliver any of my drinks with my pizza... may April 3rd burn in Hell


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Well Inno thanks for making us miss the only gwen day that's worth. Saved me a bunch of crowns at least..

I agree that they should offer a free gift or something for the trouble. Or how about extend our gwen wheel one day and add the items that we missed. That would be a nice gesture.

Im not saying they will. They wont. But they should.
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