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nuke disaster


you need to make everyone purple just to fight us wow i thought 40 vrs the world to hard for u i guess


new update dice = funks 2nd account change the name of your villa from weed next time but was smart to join lok make friends then join nib


is that why it is taking multiple players to attack me. I think we are now at about 8 different ones...


is that why it is taking multiple players to attack me. I think we are now at about 8 different ones...
not like the 2 second guns wayne and becky tandem attacks those are the best but i think cokky has you beat with his 2nd account -ambie why dont u bring mr humble also so u make it 3 accounts


now why would any one cheat at a game like this I will never understand but having 2 accounts is dirty pool


you keep your double accounts stuff to your self Mr Humble does not count as that is just the name on EU... that is not multi accounting i have one and only one account on us servers tied to any of my IP. No friends brothers moms dads daughters etc or other excuses like some people. If i beat you then you lose period no abuse happened. I live under a microscope here other then maybe management i probably have more people complain on me to MODs than anyone else. So i would not get away with any of those sort of shenanigans. I also dont feel the need to change my name every server to hide from my past deeds.


How about you guys actually concentrate on playing the game instead of accusing each other ?


you keep your double accounts stuff to your self Mr Humble does not count as that is just the name on EU... that is not multi accounting i have one and only one account on us servers tied to any of my IP. No friends brothers moms dads daughters etc or other excuses like some people. If i beat you then you lose period no abuse happened. I live under a microscope here other then maybe management i probably have more people complain on me to MODs than anyone else. So i would not get away with any of those sort of shenanigans. I also dont feel the need to change my name every server to hide from my past deeds.
Honestly if anyone is still multi-accounting at this point they should just walk away from the game. After this many years if you cannot compete without cheating then you just haven't learned how to play. And I have a feeling both Biz and cokky get reported almost as much as I do.. so I doubt either of them would risk getting a ban on their main accounts.
And changing your name on other servers does not always mean you are hiding from something cokky. For example.. I only play as "Management" when I intend to lead a tribe to victory. Which I have done twice. Using that acct on worlds where I am just messing around would simply not do justice to the name. Besides messing with people is more fun than the game itself most days so..


I've worked with both Blade err Biz and Cokky . I don't really understand the fued between them but both are great players despite what any one else would say . Neither would cheat to win . I have been co play to both . they build honestly the work at their game with great effort . Again I have 100 % respect for them as players and as teachers . I would hope that at some point what ever has caused this feud would be set aside


Well there is not exactly a feud. We just have different ideas on how to lead the game. Different styles is all. That said have we always agreed and got along NO. I do not want him to quit though he makes a great antithesis.


Honestly if anyone is still multi-accounting at this point they should just walk away from the game. After this many years if you cannot compete without cheating then you just haven't learned how to play. And I have a feeling both Biz and cokky get reported almost as much as I do.. so I doubt either of them would risk getting a ban on their main accounts.
And changing your name on other servers does not always mean you are hiding from something cokky. For example.. I only play as "Management" when I intend to lead a tribe to victory. Which I have done twice. Using that acct on worlds where I am just messing around would simply not do justice to the name. Besides messing with people is more fun than the game itself most days so..

Could that be player restinpieces


Let's not ignore the fact that HIT went from nothing to #3 in a month. Great crew over there. 28 members making LOK and GAM look pathetic.

There are some really great players in there I fully expect Hit and ISL to both be factors on this world