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Recent development analysis/prediction of the future


I remember you, cobra and korsk enjoyed all my defensive troops I piled in your villages lol


I will say this much for this world it does have a pretty complete collection of anyone who is anyone in the current TW2 world on it. So for that i am grateful. It is by far the most challenging for a whole host of reasons but what troubles me is the constant bickering and BS just put the armies on the field and duke it out. I totally don't want this world to be won on the boardroom but on the battlefield. But then again i am but a soldier so that is probably why i have that opinion. Maybe if i was a leader i would view it differently but this constant red blue purple red blue of all these players gets to be a bit much. I think the world has finally split into 2 camps now and maybe the next month or so will be much better in that sense.


I agree with cokky. If you want to go at each other then duke it out on the battlefield and may the best tribe win.


LIT/OTA cant afford to trashtalk because their victories are so few.. I could count them on one hand
half a hand...maybe.....considering one player decided to try and pick a fight with us then went whining about us retaliating (which I think cokky was attacking this same player at the same time as us lol).....now they are not in LIT/OTA/whatever they are calling themselves. So moral of story, if you are in that tribe and you lose a small skirmish, you get kicked out so it doesn't count LOL


Nah. You will have recruited the entire world by then. Merging sure is easier than fighting isn't it? lol


Nah. You will have recruited the entire world by then. Merging sure is easier than fighting isn't it? lol
Elite, the king of recruiting and mergers, is saying recruiting to win the world is bad haha. For what is worth i would have love to smash elite with only 100 people, but im not leader anymore


Elite, the king of recruiting and mergers, is saying recruiting to win the world is bad haha. For what is worth i would have love to smash elite with only 100 people, but im not leader anymore
Maybe JPC could have taken on LIT sure...had they not put themselves in the position of fighting the entire world while everyone else NAp'd and allied against them. JPC's leaders failed at the diplomacy game pure and simple. And they did not have 100 members, they had less than 80 with about 1/3 of those being less than active. Falling behind every day.
But hey thanks to me you have a shot of winning now! :)

You're welcome.
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i dont blame jpc leadership for the diplomatic lost-- domino was an idiot that couldnt be reason with. And all the players that are eating 80% elite villages are ex-jpc players. BTW i was talking about rnd 100 members before the merger with 3 other tribes happened
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chill with all the bashing on MRTs, there is nothing wrong with MRTs
ultimately, a tribe's wins/losses fall upon the top members on the tribe
the rest are mostly irrelevant tbh


Like you said they are irrelevant, so why take them in the first place? It's better to eat them and make your top members stronger than to keep them in your tribe doing absolutely nothing. I hope us worlds understand that someday


They won't. The majority of players left on this server would rather HUG it out for the "win" than earn the respect of doing it on their own.
I wish they would do just one world with a 25 member cap. Then we would see who the real fighters were!