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Resource deposit clock adjustment


When you start new the resource clock starts on a three 8 hour period cycle. It's starting time is linked to when you start your game and when I started recently the cycle makes me miss one complete cycle of errands. There should be a one-time adjustment allowed to make the clock cycle work for each person's schedule.


Christ, I have to be honest that I have not paid attention to the exact breakup of the resource deposit for timed segments. I will pay closer attention and get back to you on this.

Anyone else having a problem of when the resource deposit starts it new rotation of jobs?


Christ, I have to be honest that I have not paid attention to the exact breakup of the resource deposit for timed segments. I will pay closer attention and get back to you on this.

Anyone else having a problem of when the resource deposit starts it new rotation of jobs?
If I am not mistaken, each person's clock cycle is unique to them. My 24 hour clock starts at 4:22 PM PST. The next errands show up at 12:22 AM PST, and the last set of errands are at 8:22 AM PST. 12:22 AM PST is after I go to bed and 8:22 AM PST is before I have time to login to the game. If the cycle started at Noon PST, then I would receive new errands at 8 PM PST and I could complete those before I went to bed, and the next set of errands would be at 4:00 AM PST which wouldn't expire until Noon the next day. See how an adjustment of the start time makes a huge difference? Thanks for looking into this.


Well first as you know there is no world time. We all see our own Time zones in everything we do. I will pay closer attention to it and we can discuss it.

I am also not sure if it depends on the time you start the game in the beginning.


I think it'd be nice to be able to have a better cycle schedule, but not sure how this would be implemented on a player-by-player basis.


Yes the clock starts when you start on a world. So depending at the time you have planted your village on a given world is when the 24 hours starts. So, with that said the increments are then broken up into the 24 hour period. I can see how this could be a problem if you start somewhere in the late afternoon and evening, it would set you up for very late and early morning possible second and third segements in the timeline.
I will investigate further to make sure I am correct.


I will investigate further to make sure I am correct.
You're correct. The countdown starts when you start the world. Even after resetting the world, the timer remains the same.^^
I think maybe an in-game item included in one of the quest lines would help solve this issue for many people. Though, if I'm honest... After you get your second or third village, you almost never use the resource deposit unless there is something you really want in the first reward slot.


Tokano, they have the +10% provision item in the last slot, plus 2 tribe skills making RP worth more + faster


xP Yeah, but the amount of crowns you gotta spend if you're not in a large tribe...


Any progress on if there will be an adjustment? I am still losing one cycle every day.


Though, if I'm honest... After you get your second or third village, you almost never use the resource deposit unless there is something you really want in the first reward slot.

I use mine almost every day, and usually get to the 3rd slot. Plus, I save my re-rolls for when there is something I REALLY want in the 4th or 5th slot. It's not about the res anymore, but the free instant troops!! lol


I use mine almost every day, and usually get to the 3rd slot. Plus, I save my re-rolls for when there is something I REALLY want in the 4th or 5th slot. It's not about the res anymore, but the free instant troops!! lol
Tokano hasn't played since the feature was a young baby.... xD