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Unit movement queue


There are times when you can't login to the game but where you want to move your troops. Either to dodge an attack or send support or initiate and attack. If there was a unit movement queue that you could set when and which units were to go where it would eliminate this problem. The downside is that if your situation changes and you are not logged in the unit movement would happen regardless. The upside is that you aren't at a disadvantage just because you can't be logged in 24/7.


Can you describe how this would work a bit more? I'm personally hesitant to agree. I think it would drastically change the strategy of the game. It'd be trivial to send noble trains ms apart and even easier to snipe trains. You could theoretically set up timers to have villages send as many fakes as you like every minute for several hours, etc. Unless I'm misunderstanding, could definitely see this being abused.


I agree that there would need to be some limitations set on maximum quantity of "programmed" unit movements, maximum hours in advance, and no more precise timing than what is humanly possible. Under the current design, I have been hit with 32 attacks, 8 on each of the 4 villages I had at that time and they were all within 12 seconds of each other start to finish from 4 different attacking villages. So it isn't as if it some precise timing can't be done manually now. My suggestion is to have a queue that would only allow you to replicate unit movements that you could do manually, and humanly, if you were logged in, just at a future time.