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DaBahamaLlamas Top Tribes


NOOO. dont shut it down. i've got nothing else to read.


what world are you guys playing next ? I maybe back but at world start . I hate being a month behind


It was 6 with still1 and dumont coop that I wasnt logging on and were far away. The only coops I was actively playing was chemical, cael, the traitor and katashan. If you want to count those two as coop then ok.. but I wasnt using their accounts anyway since they were in the rim
who was the traitor ?


So I know this sounds pretty hilarious coming from me... but we should try to keep this thread on topic. Bahamallama does a nice job with these weekly updates, and it's something no one takes the time to do anymore.
Maybe we should just start a separate thread for F world trash talk :)

*I made one*


Personally I prefer starting 3 weeks into a world. Get a nice quiet spot on the rim and you can grow twice as fast as the guys in the core.
problem is these worlds move to fast now . even when I left I couldn't have kept up with you guys in terms of troop building or position . I left ranked 30th in obp . terrible


I wonder if Cokky will actually turn GoJ red, since they've broken his 50 recruit rule.
GOJ(CRI now) did drop enough players to stay purple with NIB. Those players who were dropped went to BLK (sister tribe for CRI).. and are now also purple to NIB LOL
Maybe purple is cokky's favorite color? :rolleyes:
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Not high just tipsy and i have school in the morning...First year of high school ... meh



TOP 10 TRIBES Week 4:

Actual photo of InnoGames devs looking over community suggestions for game improvements

“We really do care about what our players think,” explained concerned InnoGames dev while rolling around in a pile of crowns. “Listen, just because we have not made any balance changes or listened to the community in the last 3 years doesn’t mean we aren’t working hard to provide quality content.”

When asked why InnoGames was unable to allow simple changes such as limiting tribal member amounts, the dev responded, “You mean actually having an employee do basic coding? Are you kidding me?! Has the community NOT seen the great work we’ve done with Gwendoline’s Game? What more could they possibly want?”

Megalomaniac blogger vows to destroy village of man who didn’t click the “like” button on post
"He refused to smash the like button, so I smashed his village instead..."


NIB officially has more total bashpoints than Elite Reborn, islander, and Umbra Noctis combined. Gaining 148 villages this past week, you can see NIB eating away at islanders to the north and Elite Reborn to the south. Their average member has 3x more points than any of the enemy tribe members they are going up against. An extremely strong showing this week. They were also able to convince GoJ to change their name again this week.

Elite Reborn
Over the past couple of weeks I have been calling this tribe “dead”, and I am very happy to admit I am wrong. While they may be taking a beating, Elite Reborn is still doing a decent job of growing while taking on the biggest tribe in the game. Whether or not they will be able to stop the bleeding at the hands of NIB is another question.

islander suffered some big losses this week to the north. They seem to be accepting their losses and consolidating their power, securing their core provinces in an attempt to hold back the tides of NIB and U*N. They managed to grab 79 villages this week, despite having low obash counts. I wonder how that is possible...

Umbra Noctis
I’m really beginning to wonder what this tribe’s end game plan is supposed to be. They are without a doubt a very active tribe, but their members are fairly spread out across the northwestern rim, especially compared to NIB’s compact holdings at the core. U*N is #2 for overall growth this week, so they are absolutely doing something right. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next for this tribe as the weeks go on.

The Hit Squad
As per usual, HIT squad has been extremely active this week, seeing a 5.7m total bashpoint increase. They’re in a really tough spot as NIB and UN slowly encircles their core players. If you compare maps, HIT is starting to turtle and secure their provinces as best they can. If they can find a way to get the random LIT island to their southwest to provide some kind of support, their situation may slightly improve.

Casuals are still doing their thing in the southwest. They actually had a great week of growth, convincing a UN player to join them. I’m not entirely sure what their plan is either, as they are slowly becoming enveloped by NIB villages.

Crimson Sails
This tribe has changed names more times than some players change tribes in a game. GoJ/GAM/ETC decided they had a better chance of surviving if they split off into 2 different tribes, rather than face the wrath of cokky & Co. Unfortunately, I don’t see this tribe staying around much longer, as they are far too split up across the map.

Black Sails
See “Crimson Sails”

This tribe has metaphorically given me cancer and induced so much rage, solely due to the fact that they literally don’t do anything. Fortunately, GoJ/BLK/CRI/whatever-other-name-you-want-to-give-them has actually started to eat away at their villages. I will be celebrating their departure any month now. How does a tribe with 27 members only have a total of 138k obash?!

The Speared Boar
A new tribe has appeared! The latest addition to the ever changing 10th place slot goes to TSB this week. An extremely tiny tribe, I don’t have much to go on, stats wise, but they do have more Obash points than ATG.


2 Umbra Noctis
3 islander
4 Elite Reborn
5 The Hit Squad
6 Crimson Sails
7 Casuals
8 Black Sails
9 The Speared Boar
11 Atlantis
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What an awesome editorial, the irony/sarcasm about Gwendolyn's game was fantastic.


Casuals are still doing their thing in the southwest. They actually had a great week of growth, convincing a UN player to join them. I’m not entirely sure what their plan is either, as they are slowly becoming enveloped by NIB villages.

What UN player? I get that Casuals are not the key players on this world, we're casuals after all, but pay a bit of attention, thanks ;)


What UN player? I get that Casuals are not the key players on this world, we're casuals after all, but pay a bit of attention, thanks ;)
Oh did you kill him off then? Sorry, I'm doing the best I can to interpret stats and map shifts, but some things fall through the cracks