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*HOT* Elite is still a joke *HOT*


U wanna play against me and prove me elite can win again ? Then start elite again next world and let me destroy u again :D just msg me anytime when u ll reopen Ur failed mrt barbmunch tribe so I can school u again my boy


one on one stop deflecting or do u need vocky and tenji to support u and co play u to beat me save your allowance money and take my challenge or admit u cant beat me one on one


I can't beat u 1v1 early game because Ur a cheater lol I told u already. Unless u can explain us all the strategy how to get 5 villages PRE 4/5 stolen goods(1 mil rss stolen) before anyone else even tho u need 4/5 to get the third Vil already lol


so now you are saying a cheat this is perfect :) I utilize what the game offers I can BEAT u one on one thank your for acknowledging that good day !


without using a 2nd account or any co plays alot of these so called best players use a 2nd defense account


At least ur not denying the obvious .. but yes it's not intended to create 5-10 accounts to send rss to 1 account to rush academy. It's actually against the rules :) nobody reports u cuz nobody cares about u lol. I'm having good days every day after I made u leave en32 first and then us30 hahah.

It's 2:1 for me boy lemme know when u wanna dance again ;)


Ironbrigade86's village perfect example -ambie 2nd account he uses as defense the player dosent grow has no offensive bash but all defensive bash allowing him or her to go all offense if thats not cheating i dont know what is


buddy if you are thinking about how u got me to leave some world i already am winning :)


like i said i dont even remember who u are but u can meet me one on one any time any server and i will take your village 1 and name it elite and your village 2 and name it :)
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haha this is funny. pwnz are you joining F world? kinda a sad world without the old crew back


I just wanna know how good Biz is without coin or coop abuse :rolleyes:


coin is apart of the game so as in real life one on one open challenge no outside help is fair enough


My brain hurts from reading this.

I think it's amazing that you people are admitting to cheating in an open forum.

Sad really. Best of luck with this thread.


correct your soul purpose is to tarnish a tribe that won fair and square 3 times but yet not all of u but some of you have 2 accounts on different computers one small that never grows and then one with all offense to get bash they allow 200 players and they allow coins if you want them to change the rules lets see what they do in tribal wars 3 until then dont make lame threads like this because it only shows how good u think i am :) to waste your time here


Those wins count 100% but it is kinda like the warriors v cavs this year... it is much more fun to beat the warriors with Toronto that shows some style points....


the same way your level 3 axe pally coined up early on in the world gives u a unfair advantage the same way they offer 200 players the same what they offer mol to coin up a 50 point barb to 3800 its the game we play dont blame the players blame the way they present the game everyone keeps at the other for a unfair win or how they play the game a wins a win. 24k axe nuke should not kill 40k def troops with a level 20 wall they need to tweek there calculations next world
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and i was the one who complained and they did drop the 20 percent mol to 10 percent mol now lets get the axe nuke guys adjusted for the players who dont coin so they have a fighting chance :) as a proved earlier the spear-man gets not enough credit lets bump his defense up against axe next world axemen are small us spears are bigger and badder


Are we really admitting to multi accounting here? Also I will say again, on your post there is an edit button that you can use to add or delete to your post. It is against the rules of the forum to double post. Please use the edit button.