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Mosteiro da Batalha Realm Competition


Greetings, Tribal Warriors!

We are looking to make Mosteiro da Batalha an aggressive, fighting world.
Win this world the old fashioned way.​

Kill Everyone Else


Ongoing challenge:

We will have monthly prizes throughout the duration of the world. Monthly prizes will be 500/400/300 crowns for the three biggest OBash fights posted during the month. Prizes will be awarded on the first day of the month, for the previous month.

Players may enter multiple times during the month, but only their largest OBash fight will be counted.

At World Close:

World will enter domination at 70%. New players will be unable to enter the world at that point. World will be won at 80%.

Winning tribe gets the normal prizes, 200 crowns per player.
Top 3 players in Impact points get the usual 1500/1000/500 prizes

The top three tribes get additional prizes if they meet these criteria:
  • Never went over 35 players.
  • Never had more than 1 NAP and 1 Alliance. All NAPS/alliances must be registered in game, for support to check. Secret NAPS/alliances will disqualify a tribe from the additional rewards.
Additional prizes will be:
  • First place splits 7000 crowns among tribe members, with an additional "Game of Thrones" bonus of 500 crowns to original founder
  • 2nd will be 6000 crowns to tribe, +400 GOT bonus for founder
  • 3rd will be 5000 crowns to tribe, +300 GOT bonus for founder
A reminder that all normal game rules apply. i.e. only one account per player. Pushing accounts only to achieve a goal will result in disqualification and actions may be taken against involved account(s)!

Given our recent issues elsewhere: please note that players caught botting risk world or account bans, and will also disqualify their entire tribe from the additional rewards competition.

Good Luck! And Happy Hunting!

Your Tribal Wars 2 Team


Wow so cool! Love this mod.

Given our recent issues elsewhere: please note that players caught botting risk world or account bans, and will also disqualify their entire tribe from the additional rewards competition.
Damn rip panterra tribe
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Just to be clear: Previous issues do not apply to this world, Eijefe. New infractions only.


You changed ur post :( it said top 10 tribes own 70% of the world..... olmost made it a throwback to tw1 :(

Ps: this is insane, thank you for making a world like this, pushing for actual fights!


Just wanted clarity on a couple things that may be self-explanatory but I want to ask anyway:
1. Is this 1 NAP and 1 Alliance = for the entirety of the world or at any one point in time?
2. The 35 member cap = does this mean at any one point in time or do you count each unique user that joined throughout the longevity of the world even if they get kicked/leave?


They are always checked just at a single point in time. We will have our hands full enough, without having to keep track of every tribe's detailed history.

If Tribe A is allied with Tribe B, but decides they would rather be allied with Tribe C, they need to drop the alliance with Tribe B before opening the alliance with Tribe C.

NAPs work the same way. (Note, this is not a mix'n'match situation. Max 1 Alliance, max 1 NAP. If a tribe doesn't have any NAPs, that does NOT mean the tribe can have 2 alliances.)

Similarly, if a player leaves the tribe (voluntarily or otherwise), the tribe can fill the roster back up to 35. But if the tribe already has 35 players and they want to add another player, they need to reduce to 34 members before adding the new person.

Hope that helps!


You changed ur post :( it said top 10 tribes own 70% of the world..... olmost made it a throwback to tw1 :(

Ps: this is insane, thank you for making a world like this, pushing for actual fights!

Awwww... you caught me. (LOL) I did change the post, because I had misunderstood what my team said, and so described domination incorrectly. They corrected me swiftly. :)

We are going to use the more generally accepted TW2 definition of domination.


Awwww... you caught me. (LOL) I did change the post, because I had misunderstood what my team said, and so described domination incorrectly. They corrected me swiftly. :)

We are going to use the more generally accepted TW2 definition of domination.

Here I was, thinking it might be a world that lasted for at least a year.. :(

Still no 7+ years as in TW1 tho hehe

How will these rules be checked?
I do like the rule against botting, but how will this be upheld? Surely one individuals actions cant dictate of a tribe wins or loses, and i do have some rather sketchy scenarios in my mind that might ruin the world this way. If a tribe picks up someone looking decent, how would anyone know if said person was using anything?


I cannot speak to our detection methods.

I feel for innocent bystanders potentially caught by unscrupulous players, but there is a reason we have made the rules this way. Botting is a problem that can use some community policing, and we think it appropriate that everyone have a little skin in that game. "He's a cheat, but he's OUR cheat" is not an attitude we will encourage. "Don't bot or you leave the tribe, and we report you to the moderators" is more the attitude we would like to see.


Is there a way to send PM's on the server? I do have a thing to say but rather not get people to have ideas lol


Click on my picture. A little popup will appear, and one of the buttons is 'Start a conversation'.

As to your question about how Domination is calculated... Let's not derail this topic, but if you wanted to start a topic in the Suggestions area about how we do it, and potential improvements, that might be an interesting conversation for the community.


They are always checked just at a single point in time. We will have our hands full enough, without having to keep track of every tribe's detailed history.

If Tribe A is allied with Tribe B, but decides they would rather be allied with Tribe C, they need to drop the alliance with Tribe B before opening the alliance with Tribe C.

NAPs work the same way. (Note, this is not a mix'n'match situation. Max 1 Alliance, max 1 NAP. If a tribe doesn't have any NAPs, that does NOT mean the tribe can have 2 alliances.)

Similarly, if a player leaves the tribe (voluntarily or otherwise), the tribe can fill the roster back up to 35. But if the tribe already has 35 players and they want to add another player, they need to reduce to 34 members before adding the new person.

Hope that helps!
That was helpful thanks! Is there a set time on when the world will open?


What do you mean by obash fights do you just mean the highest obash?


Yes, battle reports must be posted here, and the ones with the highest OBash get the monthly rewards.

You need to have the report posted within the month, and of course, the time stamp on the report also needs to be within the month. Examples:
  • A report with an April time stamp, posted on 11:59PM April 30th, will be eligible for April rewards.
  • A report with an April time stamp, posted at 12:01 am on May 1st, will NOT be eligible for any rewards.
Hope this helps!


Are you the one calculating the bash gained? Is it just one attack or could it be multiple battles?


  • A report with an April time stamp, posted at 12:01 am on May 1st, will NOT be eligible for any rewards.
i believe this is incorrect it would be eligible for may awards if i read the contest correctly


  • A report with an April time stamp, posted at 12:01 am on May 1st, will NOT be eligible for any rewards.
i believe this is incorrect it would be eligible for may awards if i read the contest correctly
He means a report from April is eligible for april, not may


That is correct, time stamps on the reports must match the month.