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And col would break out his w9 stats and talk about how nobody has beaten him, and how he is the greatest.
Teja would probably do something similar.
I find it quite hilarious that you think I've only played under the name of Coldog22. It's quite commonly known that I've played Under the name of TheKingKiller (Beat the crap out of CatPounce and forced him to quit on US15) and OnereousBubbles. Between those two names I have 4 world wins. Though my TheKingKiller win doesn't really count, I will gladly admit that.
As for my OnereousBubbles account, I placed 3rd in OBP on US18, 4th in OBP on US23 and 2nd in OBP on US28. So before you start complaining about me and my Us9 stats (Which is the first TW2 world I played, and did quite well on. Quit due to Turtlopolis, James, and AngryHoplite all quitting), I would strongly suggest you learn a little more about me.
I am by far not the best player on Tw2, That title goes to Turtlopolis, GayFish The First, Lornce, and Dreginkt. All who are extremely exceptional players that I've played with. I am however pretty good at this game. Good enough to finish in top 5 for OBP on 3 worlds. That's something you yourself can not say.


I find it quite hilarious that you think I've only played under the name of Coldog22. It's quite commonly known that I've played Under the name of TheKingKiller (Beat the crap out of CatPounce and forced him to quit on US15) and OnereousBubbles. Between those two names I have 4 world wins. Though my TheKingKiller win doesn't really count, I will gladly admit that.
As for my OnereousBubbles account, I placed 3rd in OBP on US18, 4th in OBP on US23 and 2nd in OBP on US28. So before you start complaining about me and my Us9 stats (Which is the first TW2 world I played, and did quite well on. Quit due to Turtlopolis, James, and AngryHoplite all quitting), I would strongly suggest you learn a little more about me.
I am by far not the best player on Tw2, That title goes to Turtlopolis, GayFish The First, Lornce, and Dreginkt. All who are extremely exceptional players that I've played with. I am however pretty good at this game. Good enough to finish in top 5 for OBP on 3 worlds. That's something you yourself can not say.
Lornce was a beast . I wish he'd come back full time Gayfish and Cokky just had a falling out . Gayfish did some damage to them on his way out though


all of my joking a side guys..I would never concider me as a great or even a good player. I have only played the game for 2 years and i am still learning every day. BUT one thing i have learned is no one player is going to win a world. It takes a team (tribe) of players that workes good together. You all can go and say what you want but without a tribe to help none of you could make it alone. And i mean no one not just the ones in this thread. Put all the egos aside and think about what your tribe has done for you and not what you have done for the tribe
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I find it quite hilarious that you think I've only played under the name of Coldog22. It's quite commonly known that I've played Under the name of TheKingKiller (Beat the crap out of CatPounce and forced him to quit on US15) and OnereousBubbles. Between those two names I have 4 world wins. Though my TheKingKiller win doesn't really count, I will gladly admit that.
As for my OnereousBubbles account, I placed 3rd in OBP on US18, 4th in OBP on US23 and 2nd in OBP on US28. So before you start complaining about me and my Us9 stats (Which is the first TW2 world I played, and did quite well on. Quit due to Turtlopolis, James, and AngryHoplite all quitting), I would strongly suggest you learn a little more about me.
I am by far not the best player on Tw2, That title goes to Turtlopolis, GayFish The First, Lornce, and Dreginkt. All who are extremely exceptional players that I've played with. I am however pretty good at this game. Good enough to finish in top 5 for OBP on 3 worlds. That's something you yourself can not say.
Weird I dont see my name in this...:(. For a the best player in the game; Gayfish didnt have 2 academies in his main province. Kind of a rookie mistake


Lornce was a beast . I wish he'd come back full time Gayfish and Cokky just had a falling out . Gayfish did some damage to them on his way out though

What was the damage? i must have missed that. he pretty much had a melt down and left i dont remember any damage done. Unless you mean people wasting time internalizing a guy who quit and bickering over his towns.


Lornce was a beast . I wish he'd come back full time Gayfish and Cokky just had a falling out . Gayfish did some damage to them on his way out though

What was the damage? i must have missed that. he pretty much had a melt down and left i dont remember any damage done. Unless you mean people wasting time internalizing a guy who quit and bickering over his towns.

had he stayed you guys wouldn't have had to slow down and internalize him . with him working with you SUP would be dead already . so yea he did damage that and tossed a few nukes on his way out


I find it quite hilarious that you think I've only played under the name of Coldog22.
I am by far not the best player on Tw2.
FIrst of all, never said that is your only account, but any account you use, you always revert to one world in your boasting, w9.
Second, I never thought I'd live to the day for you to admit that. I can never leave TW2 having seen it all.


you know...this thread just seems to be repeating its self over and over and over and over...............
is there a way to delete it


Lord Teja is an honorable foe. plays great and takes you out with respect as long as you battle him and dont just quit on defending yourself. I wish there were more like him playing. Not positive but i do think he is probably the most honorable player in the game


Lord Teja is an arrogant bastage in game and on the forums but in private chat he is reasonable and actually not a bad guy


in game or forum...i have never had a problem with him. didnt send PMs that were obnoxious or anything. even sent a message once congradulating a few of us on stopping him from taking some vills he wanted.


Wait what!? RnD won? Omg I can't believe it! LOL. And in such triumphant fashion!

Hey RIP... how did the battle against imaginary me go? Did I win? :D:p:rolleyes: