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ban him anyways..permanent
a cheater is a cheater. done it 20 times will do it 21times


Every time a world ends a part of my heart shrivels up into a small ball and rolls away. Oh Deva, I hated you with every ounce of my being yet you're the first world where I didn't quit the winning tribe at the end. Sometimes things just don't make sense. So much bickering now-a-days. This game just isn't very fun anymore.


Deva wasn't fun!? What!?! HAHAHA
You probably should have just quit... but congrats on your "win" LOL


well coming from the rage quit master.. AKA MANAGEMENT. I would say sticking through it is a bit more honorable. Though I'm not sure when you quit on us18 and changed all your village names will ever be beat. I'm sure if Beez was around to see that she would have been very impressed with you.


Uh oh I think a snowflake is melting. Quick someone call the Waahhbulance! :rolleyes:
I was only messing around on R while I was waiting for S to open (which I won). I was always going to quit that world. Changing my village names at the end was just icing on the cake :)

And trust me beez was quite impressed with the size of my..errrr....ego! o_O


snowflake.. lmao. Management... you do realize that if you were not good at this game no one would have anything to do with you right? Even with you being good at the game there are only a select few that want anything to do with you.....


Really? Then why did I get this trophy today here on the forums? hmm? Clearly you all just can't get enough of my stuff..


I know beez sure can't ;)


Uh oh Kiki's gonna make note of your IP now!

Kiki... take away his 200 crowns. That'll show em! :rolleyes:

lol my IP isnt a hard thin to fix i was at one time IP banned from even looking at this site after i went off hard core and they banned my old account when i was whipping his which forced me to recall my cash ...I quit for years a friend asked me back to play even though from expierence i knew this place had integrity issues i heard kiki was a very fair and respectful cm so i gave it another shot...but managment just know you were not beat by any regular newbie when i came thru and steam rolled you out there wasnt nothing you could have done you put up a decent fight :) but i am the original...

it was fun playing again and i am glad i was able to finish a world without too much bs
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ban him anyways..permanent
a cheater is a cheater. done it 20 times will do it 21times
i have never cheated in this game ever...never made alt accounts never boxed others to send multiple attacks or stack myself dont use the auto farm bot thats 99% used by everyone else...when you lose to me you lose to just me but i understand my skills are so 1337 that the only way to explain them is hacks :0


i knew this place had integrity issues i heard kiki was a very fair and respectful cm so i gave it another shot...

Yes I am fair or at least try to be but I will make this very clear, (I am in no way calling anyone a cheater, lets make that clear first) I will not let anyone cheat on this server. I am a firm believer that you can win without having to cheat. :D


Yes I am fair or at least try to be but I will make this very clear, (I am in no way calling anyone a cheater, lets make that clear first) I will not let anyone cheat on this server. I am a firm believer that you can win without having to cheat. :D
i see you edited my post i understand why and i agree winning is easy without cheating...and for the record i only even gave this game another chance because the persons name who u edited was not the cm anymore..and i will contiune to play if you have no intention of banning me because of past events for which i wont mention again if you have no objection


I did. And we try not to discuss the "b" word on the forum and I have no objection to you continuing to play, as I never do when it comes to any member of my community providing the rules are followed. :D;)


I did. And we try not to discuss the "b" word on the forum and I have no objection to you continuing to play, as I never do when it comes to any member of my community providing the rules are followed. :D;)
cool well i will as always follow the rules of the game and continue to play as long as your at the helm and nothing foul arises :)