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F world Trashtalk!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1476
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Yo can someone please support this barbarian guy, he keeps losing all his villas to ISL and trash players.


good bye dingle berrie goodbye malox gotta make room for casuals and hush thicc make some more zerks


Ahaha yeaaaa boi. What was it? 40+ pally nukes in an hr and not a single stack cleared in the north-east. Thanks for dbash boyos. Next time make it 80 so we feel it


its been slow and steady for a while its not like isl is totally inept they have made some inroads in places but over all yep they are losing. until it gets to be 60-40 though they still have a shot lord knows they are putting the cash up for the party so that always helps but is it going to be enough to get them to the finish line ...not likely.


Ahaha yeaaaa boi. What was it? 40+ pally nukes in an hr and not a single stack cleared in the north-east. Thanks for dbash boyos. Next time make it 80 so we feel it
Ummmm the NIB stacks i took out were with far less than 40 even though the walls were coined back from 0 to 20 every time. Also cokky is correct there were some coins flying to get tribe level up but i dont know of any ISL that are sending full nukes from vils they just noobled 15 mins earlier. So seems to me there must be a lot of money being used on both sides


Ummmm the NIB stacks i took out were with far less than 40 even though the walls were coined back from 0 to 20 every time. Also cokky is correct there were some coins flying to get tribe level up but i dont know of any ISL that are sending full nukes from vils they just noobled 15 mins earlier. So seems to me there must be a lot of money being used on both sides
go ahead and name drop whos coining full nukes? Also you've cleared stacks? hard to tell since you've never even taken a nib villa epi. or whoever you're now going to claim you are.

Keep messaging our players to flip instead of fighting us. My favourite was when you left your tribe to convince our member. Omegalul
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go ahead and name drop whos coining full nukes? Also you've cleared stacks? hard to tell since you've never even taken a nib villa epi. or whoever you're now going to claim you are.

Keep messaging our players to flip instead of fighting us. My favourite was when you left your tribe to convince our member. Omegalul
wrong player but good guess though....NOT
boy this server is gonna go 6-9 more months

any bets???


sorry kiki hope your not mad at me with another post so soon but i thought this needed attn

NIB has iron walls going up.. guess they are a little worried


i mean we do make goods donations to our tribe levels at this point so not sure what your point is we are level 34 and likely will get to 37 or 38 before we kill you guys.. who needs the extra clay anyway.. not sure that makes us concerned or worried i know i am neither and pretty sure that goes for the whole leadership squad. Is there always some sort of concern somewhere in the 40 total people probably always is especially with the late comers those that have not been there done that always are unsure of the road to come. Again this is a much bigger tribe than we used in the past so not exactly the same sort of die hards here as there was. Still all in all a great group who are up against a challenging enemy who we are and will beat. Best part is regardless of which side you are on there has been some real growth in ability on this server from several players from both teams. In the future it should make all of those players better.


new good players. Thats almost hard to believe.
Looking forward to coming back to TW kinda soon. Ill see u guys in a month or maybe less. See if a non coiner like me can make top 10 again. Q over Q on world Q all the way!!!


NIB took a huge hit to their northern front this week, isl forced one of NIB's large Northern players to quit, and then he is getting played and internalled by coop zbird. Makes it so obvious when you attack mevan, get spied by zbird, then find out your target was nobled by zbird while your nobles were out marching....and nobody cares it seems. Whatever, zbird still lost the village anyways. Think the count is 30 or more taken in a week up north.


meh i took more than that off one guy.. but yah mevan is a hurricane victim 50 50 on whether he will be back or not. If zbird was smarter he would have let you noble and renoble off you then he would have avoided the coop abuse issues which it is rather sketchy as far as coop abuse goes in that particular situation.. there is far worse coop abuse on this server than that. in any case it is not a problem just a short term issue congrats on capping some villages 30 for you 300 for us well at that rate be kinda quick in think. We are quickly approaching 50% as is you taking in what ever is left on the server you can scrap together just makes that even easier for us.


Unless Mevan has changed co-ops in the past couple of weeks, Zbird is not one of them. When you attack Mevan, his co-op (get this) COMMUNICATES with his fellow tribemates and asks for help. Novel concept, huh?

NIB took a huge hit to their northern front this week, isl forced one of NIB's large Northern players to quit, and then he is getting played and internalled by coop zbird. Makes it so obvious when you attack mevan, get spied by zbird, then find out your target was nobled by zbird while your nobles were out marching....and nobody cares it seems. Whatever, zbird still lost the village anyways. Think the count is 30 or more taken in a week up north.