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Dying Game


So i did some leg work seems that my first world in TW2 was E world here on us servers. It was also the largest world in the game on any server either here or elsewhere with about 89k players. Yes I did win this world as the leader of the winning tribe. ever sense then it has been a steady down turn not just here but abroad as well. i am sure some of the changes have are partially to blame but so is just the game getting stale and a lot of other more exciting games coming out i dont want to mention them but there is either a smoking hot chick in the commercial or a terminator. Both are wildly popular Pay to win sort of games same issues as this and will also die the same way. for the most part this game has stood the test of time and can for a bit longer but will need to combine servers probably to do so. no more english/american divide at least combine those into one. maybe alternate between GMT game time and EST game time back and forth between world releases but by combining them we might see 20k again otherwise this pathetic 10k or even less will kill the game pretty fast.
I would love to have a full on world server, i think that would be phenomenal with a built in translator (like google)


or maybe the language barrier would just make it more interesting lol. Add another reason to pick a tribe in other games we had dutch french Spanish Russian german etc tribes made things interesting when we discussed diplomacy but other then that it was fine. There is already an english speaking english/american flag eu server anyway so they could either not open more worlds on one of the too or just link them so that future worlds would take from both player pools We would have to possibly recreate an account on which ever side it goes too but that is not that huge a deal as the log ins are different servers.


Ive debated going to en servers for a while now. They seem to have way more players.


On that note, I think lowering member limit to 5 points, and lowering hospital beds to 5 points and keeping its +200 per level, could help the member limit, and make hospital beds more competitive of a choice

I don't see how that would help. Again, that's ignoring what the community of dedicated players actually want and slinging ideas that have no data to back it up. No one uses hospitals and unless they completely revamp it it's going to remain useless.

Still waiting for mods to justify the excuse and answer my question re: "complexity of altering tribe member numbers"


So i did some leg work seems that my first world in TW2 was E world here on us servers...

...ever sense then it has been a steady down turn not just here but abroad as well
Is this enough reason to blame cokky for the player decrease? ;)


The tribe limit and the tribal skills are tied together, so you can't mess with one without messing with the other. It's being looked into but that doesn't mean that it will change anytime soon.


No offense to you kiki, but that's a joke of an answer. Multiple sites (EN,US,Ect.) are asking it to be lowered, as it's hindering the game big time. Yet all we get is a bull answer from you and the devs. It's not that hard to fix, a basic coder can do it in a few hours or less...


I played on Alanwick when TW2 was first out (Started on EN), but it was way to buggy on chrome and unuseable on explorer then. Played a quick minute on another EN world but quit a week in. Debated on going back. They've got a massive community compared to us.


how about making a world where you pay a 20dollar fee to join and you play on ability alone....no buying of crowns to coin up anything. a flat fee of 20 dollars and your off to see which tribe is the best. not who can coin up vills and troops the quickest. if nothing else it would be nice for at least one world to be this way


how about making a world where you pay a 20dollar fee to join and you play on ability alone....no buying of crowns to coin up anything. a flat fee of 20 dollars and your off to see which tribe is the best. not who can coin up vills and troops the quickest. if nothing else it would be nice for at least one world to be this way
Bad idea. Only 50 or so players would join. The world would be over in 2 weeks when nobles start flying.


No offense to you kiki, but that's a joke of an answer. Multiple sites (EN,US,Ect.) are asking it to be lowered, as it's hindering the game big time. Yet all we get is a bull answer from you and the devs. It's not that hard to fix, a basic coder can do it in a few hours or less...

None taken, but I will say this, I know that it isn't only the US server asking for the change, I also know that though you may not think it I would like to see some of the suggestions the community makes implemented into the game. However, change doesn't always come easily, some changes take more time than others.


First of all, with this thread i'm speaking as a player, not a moderator. This is a thread that has become suggestions and ways to improve the game from a player perspective. (Well mostly, some of you seem to just be negative in general haha)
200 member tribe limit is easily the biggest hindrance to this game. Tackling that with a revamped tribe skill system can help quite a bit. As with most games, you bring out new features, as the public market dives into the new feature, data and feedback should be collected and used to make modifications to the feature or system to improve it further. While this isn't something that can change overnight, it should (and is) be looked into for ways to go about improving the system currently in place. I feel once they implement a revamp with the tribal skills system they can then tackle additional problems. I truly feel the tribe limit is the biggest obstacle right now. Maybe if the servers were much more populated 200 wouldn't be an issue, however in my opinion, this is the biggest currently.

P.S. 200 tribe limit on a smaller poplation server only allows a handful of tribes to be successful as everyone flocks to anywhere from 2-5 main tribes, and the world just rides it out from there. With more smaller tribes things can easily take a turn with more tribes having an influence on the shaping of a world.
This may have been ranty but, expresses my feelings on the matter.


actully to go with cokky would be nice to see a 1 account be able to switch to multiple servers, like i would love to be able to use my account on a German server or . . .on a world server!

because it is a large player base and the language barrier would be neat yes but at the same time there does still need to be some peace XD


Down side when server merges happen sometimes players are forced to change names This has happened to me before on KOC. And of course on WOW. There may be other problems with a huge merge like that not that it is not possible but we are probably not paying enough to have unlimited Dev and operating budgets to work with too so it has to make sense financially with Inno as well as with the player community as far as supporting it goes. But If nothing is done looks like we have 1-2 more worlds top on the US side before it is over in less then a month as the top end of the player group is far better then the masses and there just is not enough masses to allow a % of them to experience much of the game and hence learn while they do so. Also There may have to be wholesale/tweeks changes in the game that make the start faster or more even whether that is quicker barb growth to allow players to make up for the excessive coining at start up. Getting a multi world Beta going on some of these new ideas would allow some live action testing of these theories but you would have to have random players get crowns to make it a better test(the crowns would only be good on beta) This is done to some extent in forge of empires on Inno so not totally foreign to them in thought as it is also known as a pay to win game.


As a new player to this game I would just like to say that I do hope it doesn't die. Seems quite interesting. I think part of the reason the new player turn around is so fast is because it is a rather slow to get going kind of game, which undoubtedly discourages a lot of people. These days, most folks just want a fast paced, graphically flashy, and easily picked up game experience. I personally, like the game style, but it is definitely not for everybody! As a new player to this game I am not going to pretend to fully understand all the complexities of the issues being discussed, but I can already see the value of lowering the tribe limit. There is no way smaller tribes will have a chance against the massive ones, and it is nice when there is more opportunity for political and military dynamics. I think with some intelligent tinkering, and updates, the game could definitely be improved. Just my 2 cents.


I think the early game could use a bump in speed a tad. However the building times have already been addressed in previous patches and some buildings got quicker early, and slower later on. Some of them could use a slight more tweaking I think.


Sorry if this has been suggested before (to tired right now may have missed it somewhere). But I would love to see a world that you pay up front to join and every player that joins has a set number of Crowns they can use in the world this could be 1 lump sum at the begging or maybe given out weekly, bi-weekly like a wage.
You could call them Premium Worlds! I have a lot more ideas on this and ways innogames could monetize it to, need to get some rest right now though so will maybe make a different thread for it. I would like to know what others think about paying to play on a world upfront though.


Already has been suggested, it wont work. You'll be left with 2-3 provinces total. With 15k players, 80% of them quit adding space and barbs to the game, If you don't have these extra fillers, the map doesn't expand.


Bad idea. Only 50 or so players would join. The world would be over in 2 weeks when nobles start flying.
has it been tried before or is this a guess on the part of the game makers. i have heard from more than 50 players that it would be a relief to play a world with no coiners, as they are called. it is understandable that they make there money from those that can and are willing to pay outrageous amounts of money. but there a lot more that cant and dont put a lot of money or none at all into the game. if these were loss because of a refusall to do a simple thing as to make one world that is a charge of a set amount to play and no coining, then there is a position to be looked at on the other end of the discusion. how much longer can the game last when us that cant afford to keep up with the coiners are no longer having fun and decide it is not worth playing.
i enjoy playing and have met a lot of people i concider to be friends and would hate to loose contact with some of them to this. i hope there could be a comprimise of some sort to make the game play a little more fun by making it more fair. i have seen and comented on the co-play and threw out some ideas. hope that this game can go on for a while longer i have enjoyed so far