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Top 5 map


Well, getting back on topic now....go flex somewhere else.

In recent news, VAG has merged into LIT. LIT now holds 58% of the total villages with HUG coming in at 19%. World still has a decent ways to go.
Please provide feedback about leaving in the tribeless players. I don't quite know if I like having it, but without, it seems like everyone is really, really far away from each other. I will place a spoiler tag with the tribeless not added for comparison.


This is why you don't MRT. 58% when the world just opened. W 23 is at 73% and has been open for ages (It feels like it)


well I want to put it out there LIT is going to challenge any and all tribes on the next EN server that opens as kind of a championship server if you will . we won't be doing more than 60 players on that server and it will be an amalgamation of LIT VAG and COS players in that tribe . a best of the best if you will .all challengers are encouraged to stay at that 60 player mark as well .


You sat on your on both world 18 and world 23 with low bash and cities. I've been one of the three leaders in W*P for a long time you idiot.
probably means i was busy else where sir. those where just me 1 time a day at best logging in sort of servers. They dont mean anything to me or about me. try 5 the biggest there ever was i was the top player yes number 1 in both bash and points and cities also. when i quit playing E daily It was also the best server this game has ever had the toughest competition by far. I also was number one on several other servers before moving on my record is findable and i do not judge you by the worlds you did not actively play but you are selecting worlds i did and somehow think they are a representation of me. If you have been a part of WP leadership great that is johnny come lately of you though. I have won more assaulter of the week then you have in the last 3 years i can promise you that probably more then anyone else in the game though there is a few other just as good. They just are mostly retired.


game set match .
coldog , I can honestly say that he and frank were the only reasons we prevailed on us 22 . cokky is as skilled as they come


coldog , I can honestly say that he and frank were the only reasons we prevailed on us 22 . cokky is as skilled as they come
To be honest, cokky has the bash in us22 but i have to tell you, every province we managed to break in, we took cokky's village to do so. cokky does not defend good :), he does not even recruit spies, i can say that as we have figured his sleep timings and managed to take villages after he slept like every day, you can ask smooches, slcpwnz or even frank to back it up:) the only reason he survived is because he attracts a lot of support which he uses lavishly on new barbarian villages only to lose them cheap at 100% or 50%. and we had occupied the top 5 bash and obash spots before we went inactive.

I am not saying cokky is bad, he is persistant and he makes it up in the long term but only pointing out what can be improved.


but honestly Teja your tribe targeted him almost exclusively and for every village you took of his he took two . look at his record even before you quit a lot of LIT 22 were doing barbs but he was eating reds there . Frank and SLCP suffered similarly at your hands but that bought the rest of the tribe a ton of time to figure out how to play against you all . I will stick to what I said had cokky and Frank not been with us your side may very likely have prevailed .


I will update Thursday. Theres a lot of merging/taking in new members throughout the world. Once it settles a bit, ill make another map. Besides, we just had one last Thursday :)
10/02/17- LIT now holds 62% villages in the top 10. Hug has fell to 17%. LIT just needs to merge a few more times to win ;). On a serious note, its sad to see a world open so recently almost close. Guess MRT for the win.
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New map update. A little early, yes. However it looks like SIN is making a prominent presence and the map has changed a decent amount. I tried like 8 times this morning to make the map and the generator kept freezing on me :( but here it is now :)


LIT - 63 %
HUG - 15 %
KOA - 7 %
RGG - 4 %
SIN - 4 %
Current standings. LIT has gained another percent and HUG has fallen several percent. Not much else can really be said at this time


I will update Thursday. Theres a lot of merging/taking in new members throughout the world. Once it settles a bit, ill make another map. Besides, we just had one last Thursday :)
10/02/17- LIT now holds 62% villages in the top 10. Hug has fell to 17%. LIT just needs to merge a few more times to win ;). On a serious note, its sad to see a world open so recently almost close. Guess MRT for the win.
LIT will have its core players only in en server . no MRT tribe there


LIT will have its core players only in en server . no MRT tribe there
Im glad you realize they are an MRT here though. Since you stated no MRT tribe there.... Im not arguing about what they will be in the future. I am merely stating a fact now, on a world i play on


well we were a hybrid of lit 22 and new players . lit 22 makes up 35-40% of lit 25


This guy gets it lol. 35% of 200 is 70, 40% of 200 is 80. That still leaves 120-130 players.....Soooo...I just dont see what the confusion is here. I give up, I am basically talking to a wall.


i understand what you are saying I ma saying that while conceding we are an mrt that we do have a solid base of players that have been on multiple servers together and that in that way we differ from most other MRTs . I guess we will prove what LIT core players can do on EN server


At the first sign of trouble, bladerunner (bizmoney) will go above 60 lol. I'll be surprise if you end up with 60 players


The amount of coiners in LIT is astonishing. They must be funding tw2 lol. Coined a farm from 17 to 21 AND a church. On the brightside, a 30k LIT player hit me, when i returned fakes, 4 other LIT players hit me. Mind you I have a meer 10k points at the time.... I guess the only reason why they did so well is because they beat down anyone before they get too large. Now I have a 70k trying for me.


not the right forum but how is it going on en30 Elite america :p :D


Wrong forum yes...LIT on 30? no...I see the tribe American Made but thats all. LIT nears 69% here though