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The amount of coiners in LIT is astonishing. They must be funding tw2 lol. Coined a farm from 17 to 21 AND a church. On the brightside, a 30k LIT player hit me, when i returned fakes, 4 other LIT players hit me. Mind you I have a meer 10k points at the time.... I guess the only reason why they did so well is because they beat down anyone before they get too large. Now I have a 70k trying for me.
the only reason we came north is not you personally , we came up cause your ppl are losing so bad south they migrated north and barbed a whole area there isn't a single barb in you provs you only gain ground by barb munching where will you go next you merged how many tribes already ??
you have some really good players but you have to let go of the carry on you have you might have a chance
as for coining your tribe have the record for that never seen so much coining LOL
good luck


the only reason we came north is not you personally , we came up cause your ppl are losing so bad south they migrated north and barbed a whole area there isn't a single barb in you provs you only gain ground by barb munching where will you go next you merged how many tribes already ??
you have some really good players but you have to let go of the carry on you have you might have a chance
as for coining your tribe have the record for that never seen so much coining LOL
good luck

Oh thats right, you all couldnt fight fair. We barb munched so that we didnt have 6 players with over 100k points come for us. Yes we barbed it out, and we held you all off. Its funny you speak like you fought the most. You have five times the points and half my bash. So whos really the one that sucks? Stop hiding behind the large players for once. One person in our tribe coining so we can get a half way better chance against you is nothing compared to your players who ALL have to send rangers so they dont lose. But youre right. we suck because we fought against a tribe who steamrolled everyone and merged in their enemies. We merged in our allies, but thats just the wrong thing to do considering when you merge your enemies, you dont have to fight anyone.

next time you talk big, why dont you try to fight off 5 players with 100k+ points and not barb munch. You cant even get in our province so whos really winning here


8 4 17 - 10 31 17 to get to 80% a new record i am sure in time to complete a server sub 3 months to be official is a new High or low water mark depending on POV.


8 4 17 - 10 31 17 to get to 80% a new record i am sure in time to complete a server sub 3 months to be official is a new High or low water mark depending on POV.
89 days to get 80% ?? mafia on us21 took 90 days to officially get the win, some 4-5 days before the date we reached 80%, congratulations on ending up as the second fastest tribe to win a world


and here i thought this world was small man that one was uber small. 1500 fewer villages But yes does look to be about the same time. Is it good news or bad i dont know. either way with the size of worlds now even vp wont change the end times getting shorter and shorter. Still yes it is impossible to declare a true winner in such a close race do to mod error and measuring fluctuations. If you used tools to figure your % on those days it was not accurate. I do it the same method that the mods use which tends to be about 1-3% behind the tw 2 tools. But for sake of argument i can not state that you are incorrect in your claim. Still props to mafia for doing it in 3 months as well.


and here i thought this world was small man that one was uber small. 1500 fewer villages But yes does look to be about the same time. Is it good news or bad i dont know. either way with the size of worlds now even vp wont change the end times getting shorter and shorter. Still yes it is impossible to declare a true winner in such a close race do to mod error and measuring fluctuations. If you used tools to figure your % on those days it was not accurate. I do it the same method that the mods use which tends to be about 1-3% behind the tw 2 tools. But for sake of argument i can not state that you are incorrect in your claim. Still props to mafia for doing it in 3 months as well.

hmm, difference of 800 villages and 65 members true. a village per player ratios of 23.75 for mafia and 19.65 per elite. tools is not working properly these days. but i just use the dates for starts from tools, and the office date when mods declare winner.


This is true Cokky, Mafia I believe holds the record rn. And knowing how long it takes for Admin to declare winners, they probably reached 80% in about 85-86 days. And took another 4-5 days to be declared victors. Because they ended the world on 86%. Most worlds don't get that high before they close the world. So its highly reasonable they finished in around 85 days. Was quite the interesting world tho to watch. I liked the forum updates. Too bad the forums here are dying out now.


Oh thats right, you all couldnt fight fair. We barb munched so that we didnt have 6 players with over 100k points come for us. Yes we barbed it out, and we held you all off. Its funny you speak like you fought the most. You have five times the points and half my bash. So whos really the one that sucks? Stop hiding behind the large players for once. One person in our tribe coining so we can get a half way better chance against you is nothing compared to your players who ALL have to send rangers so they dont lose. But youre right. we suck because we fought against a tribe who steamrolled everyone and merged in their enemies. We merged in our allies, but thats just the wrong thing to do considering when you merge your enemies, you dont have to fight anyone.

next time you talk big, why dont you try to fight off 5 players with 100k+ points and not barb munch. You cant even get in our province so whos really winning here
well i held off all your ppl south for 35 days and it was 9 ppl against 1 still i took out 3 of them as for the bash points please ask them to leave the troops so i can get some more thought i have 3 times your OBP, you only tuck tail and run whenever the heat is on , you start relocating LOL , and i didn't barb munch anything like you if i want to barb munch i would have a 100 villas by now i played against 9 with only 2 villas the only villas i took as barbs is when your ppl barbed out and my train was on the way , the players i would call players are a few of you who really did play and will be honored to play with anytime
the other thing you should know is we have 6 ppl against what ? 25 of you north and you call that unfair
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So Mafia holds the record for merging the most to get the fastest win? You mean Mafia DIDN't want to fight for it?!?
I just can't believe it....


hmm, don't think there was a merge on the world. there wasn't after i joined any ways.

Harry Johnson

Mounted Archer
Nice to see the same ppl are arguing about the same things in the forums about a year since my last visit. TW2 never changes :)